Thursday, May 28, 2009

Patch Double Twitch

Last night there was a report of two good birds from the park. Both would be patch ticks for me. The first was of two Yellow Wagtail, and the second of a Little Owl. I set off early to try and relocate them before work. The first notable sighting came from near the Adventure Playground, where I could see a group of five Lesser Black-backed Gull flying high over Parkside Pasture/Broad Valley at approximately 6am.

On reaching the reported location there was no sign of any wagtail species, so I checked the nearby field too, before returning to the original location. I heard a wagtail flight call, and only just managed to locate it before it disappeared. I looked pale buff in the early morning light, but the call was similar to Pied Wagtail, so no luck there. As I approached the northern corner of the field, a small stocky bird flew up from the grass onto the fence post. It was the Little Owl.

I approached cautiously, and managed to get some record shots, before it flew up onto a nearby electricity pylon. This provided me with a much better view, and allowed me to get much closer. After watching me for several minutes, the bird flew over into a nearby Oak, allowing a nice flight view. When I left the area, I could see the bird return to the pylon to scour the ground for food again.

Before heading home, I had a quick look around Bestwood Quarry, seeing a few warblers, a Green Woodpecker, a pair of Bullfinch, a male Linnet, and a handful of photogenic butterflies. On leaving the area I picked up a single Black-headed Gull in summer plumage flying west over Broad Valley towards Mill Lakes. Now Yellow Wagtail takes the place of Little Owl on my list of patch bogey birds.

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