Saturday, December 16, 2006

Glad I Went Back

Today I went back to the Mill Lakes to try and track down the Ruddy Duck again. I didn't spend much time recording on the way down there, but the Green Woodpecker was at the top of the very same tree on the Pit Tip. A large flock of House Sparrow (circa 20) were in a tree backing on to a garden in Rise Park, and a Sparrowhawk was over the fields near Dawson's Corner.

I went straight to the place where the Ruddy Duck was seen on Wednesday, but didn't see it. Not many Pochard were there either, so it might have been elsewhere or at the other side of the island. A single Cormorant was at Tern Island and a Grey Heron could be seen in a patch of reeds at the far side. I headed further around in the anti-clockwise direction trying to track down the Ruddy Duck and picked out more drake Teal.

The trees around the swamp and picnic area had the usual Goldfinch flocks, but bird of the day came in the form of a Lesser Redpoll flock, being life tick for me. At first a few birds were seen in a tree by the lake near the sign, and later a larger flock were on the Peninsula. The flock consisted of both male and female with one bird seen with a very pink breast in the V-shape, which I thought might have been a Linnet at the time, although it was probably just a strongly coloured male. I think it's time to become more acquainted with these finch species which seem to elude me! I noted on at least some of the birds a black bib, red forehead, single (or dominant) paler wing bar and streaking on the sides of the breast - definitely Lesser Redpoll. I got some footage, but it doesn't show anything other than silhouettes against the bright sky.

A typical pair of Bullfinch were in the hedge at the Leen Pastures and heading back I managed to relocate the single Ruddy Duck - probably a winter male. For a relatively quick visit, 35 species is a nice total for me, especially with the Lesser Redpoll life tick.

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