Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Another Tawny Owl Calling

Another evening walk produced a good number of Skylark over the Pit Tip, with at least five seen together, but more-probably numbering ten upwards. A female Green Woodpecker was seen at close range on fence posts around the Pit Tip Plantation, as was a single Jay. Heading down to Dawson's Corner, a group of ten or more Barn Swallow were feeding and calling over Farmer Fox's Cow Field, with the odd Starling too. There was no obvious sign of a Tawny Owl along the Sustrans path this evening, but it was still quite early, so I headed on to the Mill Lakes.

Nothing was to be seen at the Reedbed, probably due to the kids illegally fishing on the opposite bank, so I carried on around the lake as the light began to fade. A group of five male Pochard were notable, as I haven't seen any for a while. I was given a brief glimpse of a warbler on one of the islands nearby, and thought I could make out enough to identify it as a Reed Warbler, but I'm not certain from the brief view. Nothing else of note was around, except a lot of Greylag Goose, but I didn't bother counting.

No Owls on the way back, but it a lot lighter than last week and I wasn't bothering to hang around. However, a single Common Whitethroat was in exactly the same bush as the first one I saw at Dawson's Corner, and still singing at around 9:30pm. Walking back along Front Line behind Rise Park and Top Valley a screechy vocal call came from a large tree just in front of me, which was almost certainly a male Tawny Owl. Despite several minutes searching, the light had gone enough to make it a difficult task, and eventually I gave up, but made up for it with a Red Fox further up the track.

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