Sunday, July 15, 2007

And a Tern for Me

In the hope of meeting up with the other birders ate the usual time and place, I took an early morning walk to the Mill Lakes. On the way there, a singing male Blackcap above the western entrance gate at Dawson's Corner was notable, being the first time I've seen one in this area. Moving on, I arrived with plenty of time to go around by myself first, and did so.

First was a Reed Warbler on the reeds close to the Reedbed, delivering food to a probable nest site, and giving close views. A group of three unknown juveniles were calling as they moved around the cover of the Reedbed Boardwalk - looked a bit like Wrens, but maybe some warbler species. Along the lake side I had close views of an adult teaching a streaky juvenile Great Crested Grebe how to fish.

At the Mud Island a Grey Heron was almost swimming, and two were later seen on the Golf Course. A single adult Black-headed Gull flew east over the lake as I headed to the Leen Pastures. There was barely anything to be seen, so I headed back in time to see two adult Black-headed Gull over and two juveniles swimming around Mud Island. A Common Tern (patch tick) was now fishing over the lake in wide circles, often disappearing for a while over the fields to the north east. The final notable sighting was the Kingfisher, which was flying towards the middle of the lake from its usual fishing post.

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